Enterprise Hardware Solutions
Cutting-edge IT Solutions to address the futuristic business with modern technology and hardware using customisable system architecture and components
In today's digital world, businesses are deploying sophisticated IT systems to automate and modernise their operations, Infocare partners with leading global technology innovators HPE, Lenovo, R&M, to help bring these technology solutions to your doorstep.
We provide end to end solution on Enterprise Server, Storage, Related software and Networking. Our solutions are designed based on company's business processes and related databases.
Our Enterprise Solutions
Enterprise Server
We offer full range of Tower, Rack servers from HPE and Lenovo for the small Business to Business Critical Enterprise customers

Enterprise Sorage
We offer secure and economic solutions to address storage requirement for NAS, File Storage and Object Storage from HPE full range of Enterprise Storage products
Enterprise Networking
We offer entry level switch to high performance networking devices from HPE to realise the potential of the new and high-performing applications

Licensing & Subscription
We help customers to expand their licensing and subscription requirement with all leading software